
    The traditional drink,
dong-gua tea is re-popular now. The summer gets hotter and hotter. Dong-gua tea is one of refreshing drinks. The current tea shop like 50 Lan(五十嵐),  Tsing-shin-fu-chan (清心福全) should sell Dong-gua tea or I will not go there to buy drinks. It is a liitle willful. Haha..

    The Chu-cha-xiao-pu(喫茶小舖) sells
Dong-gua tea, and this kind of dong-gua tea is different from common dong-gua tea. It is more fragrant and sweeter. I usually order dong-gua green tea, so I can enjoy the mixed taste between dong-gua tea and green tea. It is really thirst-quenching.

    After trying by myself, trust me that dong-gua tea is suitable to green tea. If d
ong-gua tea mixes with black tea, it will be too sweet and have thirst feeling. In addition, the taste of oolong tea is too strong, so it is not adaptable to mix with dong-gua tea.

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